About Me

I'm Paul Wendelboe.

I like chemistry and computers, and have been working at combining the two. I have a B.S. in Pharmaceutical Chemistry from UC Davis. Since I graduated I have been fortunate enough to be working with Prof. Tantillo at UC Davis using Gaussian in order to interrogate chemical reaction mechanisms. I am currently looing for work in chemistry or computer science.

While my degree is in chemistry, I have had a lot of experiance in both general computer, programming, and logic concepts as well as some specific knowledge in security. I am still learning everything I can about in infosec and this site is one example of that. In the news lately there have been many reports of aws accounts being setup incorrectly. Because of this, as well as my love of doing things the hard way, I figured why not set up a basic aws website? It has certainly been an eye-opener. For example setting up S3 correctly can be a freaking headache! You think you have it, and boom everyone can download your, possibly illegally gotten, facebook-based, data, for example. Either way, I've been working on making this small website fully featured and in fact it is all a serverless architecure. Click here to see how I set it up.

To get in contact please email me at:

(Sorry for the unselectable email, spam bots suck!)

Please check back soon as I am in the process of building and updating this website!